Introducing Black Men Build

By Black Men Build May 24, 2020

Our enemies want us dead, deadbeat, defeated, on drugs, incarcerated. Our People – our children, sisters, lil homies, OGs, future family – need us to survive. We are bringing Black men together to engage in this country as an organized force.

We are bringing Black men together to heal and build our communities.

This is the most important moment in a generation and Black men are watching.

We have started Black Men Build to bring us together and move us forward.

Black Men Build represents a wide group Black men from all walks of life — community organizers, artists, communicators and creatives who have come together to grapple with issues that are challenging Black men.

We are in the midst of a war. A war that we are not winning, because we are not organized. To be organized takes a process of aligning our principles, our goals, and our vision. Let’s build.

We are Black Men working with Black Men to serve our communities, to be critical free thinkers, to speak truth, to teach others, and to build the social, economic, political and spirituals tools needed to evolve and power Black futures.

Find out more and tap in at
Directed By: Steve Pargett
Edited By: VACO Studio
Written By: Tef Poe, Phil Agnew, GLC
Voiceover By: GLC
Music by Damon Davis